Scholar Examples

Find 20 records from offset 10 that match provided query
  "query": "X-ray analysis of protein crystals",
  "size": 20,
  "from": 10
Get the patent citations, scholarly citations and references for a list of scholarly works using the lens_id
  "query": {
      "lens_id": ["017-767-306-508-482", "017-624-265-921-255"]
  "include": ["lens_id", "patent_citations", "scholarly_citations", "references"]
Get title and patent citations for a scholarly work using a doi
  "query": {
      "doi": "10.1109/ee.1934.6540358"
Get scholarly works using multiple pmid
	"query": {
		"terms": {
			"pmid": ["14297189", "17475107"]
Get the metadata for scholarly works that are cited by a list of patents using the patent lens_id
  "query": {
    "terms": {
      "patent_citation.lens_id":["198-832-374-467-397", "092-513-162-449-806"]
Find the 10 most recently published works from an institution (sorted by published date)
  "query": {"match_phrase": {"": "Harvard University"}},
  "sort": [{"date_published": "desc"}],
  "size": 10
Get publication year of journal articles cited by patents
   "query": {
       "bool" : {
        "must": [
            {"terms": { "patent_citation.lens_id": ["020-159-299-402-960", "014-680-767-794-441"]}},
            {"match": {"source.type": "Journal"}}
   "include": ["year_published"],
   "size": 50
Get 30 works from an institution published between two years
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": {"match_phrase": {"": "Harvard University"}},
    "filter": {
      "range": {
        "year_published": {
          "gte": "1999",
          "lte": "2000"
  "size": 30
Get scholarly works having patent citations and affiliations
    "query": {
            "must": [
                {"match": {"has_patent_citations": true}},
                {"match": {"has_affiliation": true}}
Query by author name
    "query": {
        "match_phrase": {"author.display_name": "Craig Venter"}
    "sort": [{"year_published": "desc"}],
    "size": 10
Find scholarly works with a Pubmed identifier published in 2012
    "query": {
             {"match":{"external_id_type": "pmid"}},
             {"match":{"year_published": 2012}}
    "include":["patent_citations_count", "external_ids"]

OR using String Based Query

    "query": "external_id_type: pmid AND year_published: 2012",
    "include":["patent_citations_count", "external_ids"]
Access your collection


  "query": {"match": {"title": "Malaria"}},
  "include":["title","lens_id", "authors.first_name"],
Using GET Requests

