Scholar Response

Response Fields

Field Type Description Example
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Patent Citation

Field Type Description Example
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Field Type Description Example
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Field Type Description Example
name String The institution associated with the author affiliations. Stony Brook University
name_original String The author’s original affiliation including the institution name and address. School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts USA
grid_id String Affiliation grid id. NB This field is deprecated, please use the ids field instead. grid.9018.0
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ids Array of Ids The external institution identifiers associated with the author’s affiliation  


Field Type Description Example
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Open Access

Field Type Description Example
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Field Type Description Example
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Mesh Term

Field Type Description Example
mesh_id String MeSH term unique identifier. MeSH terms are the National Library of Medicine’s controlled vocabulary or subject heading list. D000293
mesh_heading String MeSH terms are the National Library of Medicine’s controlled vocabulary or medical subject headings assigned to PubMed entries. NB MeSH Headings are case sensitive. Adolescent
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Field Type Description Example
value String The International Standard Serial Number 10797114
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Field Type Description Example
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funding_id String The funding organisation’s project identifier U01 DE018902
country String The country of the funding body United States


Field Type Description Example
name String Conference Name International Electron Devices Meeting
instance String Conference Instance Name CHI 1985
location String The location of the conference Lihue, Kauai, HA, USA


Field Type Description Example
mesh_id String MeSH term id D000293
registry_number String Chemical registration number 5Q7ZVV76EI
substance_name String Substance name Antimalarials

Clinical Trial

Field Type Description Example
id String Identifier nct00105716
registry String Clinical Trial Registry 10.18810/clinical-trials-gov

Source URL

Field Type Description Example
type String Source URL Type html
url String URL String


Field Type Description Example
type String The type/s of external identifiers for the scholarly work, author, institution, etc. doi, pmid, magid, orcid, grid, ror, etc.
value String The external identifier(s) for the scholarly work, author, institution, etc. 10.1016/s0031-3955(16)34861-1, 0000-0003-3902-2234, grid.425957.8, 056x7d368, etc.


Publication Types

journal article, letter, editorial, news, book, book chapter, conference proceedings article, conference proceedings, dataset, journal, journal issue, journal volume, report, standard, dissertation, clinical trial, clinical study, libguide, reference entry, working paper, component, review, preprint, other, unknown

Sample API Response




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            "abstract": "Abstract Background Cixutumumab, a human monoclonal antibody (HuMAb), targets the insulin-like growth factor receptor. Ramucirumab is a recombinant HuMAb that binds to vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2. A non-comparative randomised phase II study evaluated cixutumumab or ramucirumab plus mitoxantrone and prednisone (MP) in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). Patients and methods Men with progressive mCRPC during or after docetaxel therapy received mitoxantrone 12 mg/m2 on day 1 and prednisone 5 mg twice daily and were randomised 1:1 to receive either cixutumumab or ramucirumab 6 mg/kg intravenously weekly in a 21-day cycle. Primary end-point was composite progression-free survival (cPFS). Secondary end-points included safety, response, radiographic progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS). Sample size was based on a 50% increase in median cPFS from 2.6 (MP) to 3.9 months (either combination). Results 132 men were treated (66 per arm). Median cPFS was 4.1 months (95% confidence interval (CI), 2.2–5.6) for cixutumumab and 6.7 months (95% CI, 4.5–8.3) for ramucirumab. Median time to radiographic progression was 7.5 months for cixutumumab and 10.2 months for ramucirumab, with a median OS of 10.8 and 13.0 months, respectively. Fatigue was the most frequent adverse event (AE). Incidence of most non-haematologic grade 3–4 AEs was Conclusion Combinations of cixutumumab or ramucirumab plus MP were feasible and associated with moderate toxicities in docetaxel-pretreated men with mCRPC. Of the two regimens, the ramucirumab regimen is worthy of further testing based on the observed cPFS relative to the historical control.",
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