Getting Started


You need to have the following before you can start using Lens APIs:

  1. Granted access to our API service (request access).
  2. Create an Access Token from your user profile page.
  3. Basic knowledge of API structure and JSON formatting.
  4. Any API Client (cURL, Postman, etc.)

API Resources

As of the current version, Lens offers the following API endpoints:


  • [POST]
  • [GET]
  • [GET]{lens_id}

Patent Data Schema:

  • [GET]

Scholarly Works:

  • [POST]
  • [GET]
  • [GET]{lens_id}

Scholarly Works Data Schema:

  • [GET]


  • [POST]{collection_id}
  • [GET]{collection_id}

You can access scholarly works in your collections from your Work Area. The {collection_id} can be found at the end of your collection URL, e.g.{collection_id}. Here is an example to illustrate how to access your collection.

API usage:

  • [GET]
  • [GET]

Swagger Documentation is available here:

API Access

Your use of the API is subject to the Lens Terms of Use. Lens uses token-based API authentication, you can request access and manage your access plan and tokens from your Lens user profile.

For POST Requests, you need to provide your access token in the Request Header when accessing the APIs:

Example: Authorization: Bearer your-access-token

For GET Requests, you can provide your access token in the request parameter:


Rate Limiting

To ensure our public API endpoints remain usable by everyone and to maintain the server’s optimal availability, a rate limiting mechanism is being used to temporarily block any clients that reduce the server’s performance. The applied rate limits will be included in the following HTTP response headers:

  • x-rate-limit-remaining-request-per-minute: Number of remaining requests allowed in a minute
  • x-rate-limit-retry-after-seconds: Time in seconds until next request can be performed
  • x-rate-limit-reset-date: Rate limit will get reset at this date
  • x-rate-limit-remaining-request-per-month: Number of API calls allowed till the reset date above
  • x-rate-limit-remaining-record-per-month: Number of remaining records that can be fetched

Once you go over any rate limit you will receive a 429 - Too many requests error with respective messages.

HTTP Responses

Response Description
200 - Ok Valid response from the server
400 - Bad Request Malformed request or incorrect fields/values provided
401 - Unauthorized Authentication credentials might be incorrect or missing
404 - Not Found Incorrect Resource URL / Empty Result for supplied queries / Expired scroll_id
415 - Unsupported Media Type Request body is not json or Content Type is not application/json
429 - Too Many Requests You have exceeded the number of allowed calls
50x - Internal Server Error An error occurred on API server side.