Patent Request

Request Structure

The request fields are used in queries and sort operations. The request payload should comply with following json schema.

Fields Description Required
query Valid json search request true
sort Use available fields to sort results by ascending/descending order. false
include Only get specific fields from API response. By default all fields are selected. false
exclude Get all fields except undesired ones in search result. false
size Integer value to specify number of items per page false
from Integer value, defines the offset from the first result false
scroll_id Pagination parameter false (true for next scroll requests)
scroll Lifespan of Scroll scroll context in minute (e.g. 1m) false (true for scroll context)
stemming Change the ability to reduce the search word into root form false (true by default)
language For multi-lingual fulltext search false (EN by default)
regex For Query String based queries containing regular expressions false (false by default)
group_by For group by patent family queries. Supports group by SIMPLE_FAMILY and EXTENDED_FAMILY false
min_score For limiting the response to the most relevant results, e.g. "min_score": 14 false

Searchable Fields

For searching, the following fields are supported by the API:

Group Field Type Description
General lens_id String Unique lens identifier. Every document in the Lens has a unique 15-digit identifier called a Lens ID. e.g. 186-488-232-022-055
General created Date Earliest create date of the patent meta record
General Ids Document Identifiers Use this field to search for patent records using publication identifiers or Lens Ids. e.g. "EP_0227762_B1_19900411", "EP 0227762 B1", "EP_0227762_B1", "EP0227762B1", "EP0227762", "145-564-229-856-440", "US 7,654,321 B2", "7,654,321", "US 2021/0191781 A1"
General doc_number String The document number assigned to a patent application on publication. e.g. 20130227762
General docdb_id Integer The DOCDB identifier for the patent document. e.g. 499168393
General jurisdiction String The jurisidiction of the patent document. e.g. US
General kind String The patent document kind code (varies by jurisdiction). e.g. A1
General lang String The original language of the patent document. e.g. EN
General date_published Date Date of publication for the patent document. e.g. 2009-05-22
General year_published Integer The year of publication for the patent document. e.g. 2009
General earliest_priority_claim_date Date Earliest priority date. The earliest date of filing of a patent application, anywhere in the world, to protect an invention. The priority date may be earlier than the actual filing date of an application if an application claims priority to an earlier parent application, then its earliest priority date may be the same as the parent.
Application application_reference.jurisdiction String The jurisdiction of the application. e.g. US
Application Date The application filing date is the date when a patent application is first filed at a patent office. e.g. 2009-05-22
Application application_reference.doc_number String The document number of the application. e.g. 201715824814
Application application_reference.kind String The kind code of the application. e.g. A1
Priority priority_claim.jurisdiction String The jurisdiction of the priority document. e.g. DE
Priority Date The publication date of the priority document. e.g. 2009-05-22
Priority priority_claim.doc_number String The document number of the priority document. e.g. 1117265
Priority priority_claim.kind String The kind code of the priority document. e.g. A1
Text Fields title String Title of the patent. e.g. Fidget Spinner
Text Fields abstract String Searches the patent document abstract text. e.g. A processor implements conditional vector operations in which an input vector containing multiple operands to be used in conditional operations is divided into two or more output…
Text Fields claim String Searches the Claims recorded in the patent. e.g. What is claimed is: 1. A method of performing a conditional vector output operation in a processor, the method comprising: receiving electrical signals representative of an input data vector…
Text Fields description String The description text of the patent document. e.g. This invention was made in conjuction with U.S. Government support under U.S. Army Grant No. DABT63-96-C-0037.” BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention is directed to…
Text Fields full_text String The full text of the patent document.
Families family.extended.member.document_id.jurisdiction String The jurisdiction of the extended family member. e.g. CN
Families Date The publication date of the extended family member. e.g. 2009-05-22
Families family.extended.member.document_id.doc_number String The document number of the extended family member. e.g. 1117265
Families family.extended.member.document_id.kind String The kind code of the extended family member. e.g. B2
Families family.extended.member.lens_id String The Lens Id of the extended family member. e.g. 106-213-498-661-220
Families family.extended.size Integer The number of extended family member documents. e.g. 12
Families family.simple.member.document_id.jurisdiction String The jurisdiction of the simple family member. e.g. EP
Families Date The publication date of the simple family member. e.g. 2009-05-22
Families family.simple.member.document_id.doc_number String The document number of the simple family member. e.g. 1117265
Families family.simple.member.document_id.kind String The kind code of the simple family member. e.g. B2
Families family.simple.member.lens_id String The Lens Id of the simple family member. e.g. 106-213-498-661-220
Families family.simple.size Integer The number of simple family member documents. e.g. 5
Applicants applicant.address String The applicant address as recorded on the patent. e.g. TORONTO, ONTARIA, CA
Applicants String The patent applicant(s) name. e.g. CPS Technology Holdings LLC
Applicants String The patent applicant(s) name. N.B. Use this field for exact name matches. e.g. CPS TECHNOLOGY HOLDINGS LLC
Applicants applicant.residence String The country of the applicant (ISO 2-digit country code). e.g. CA
Applicants applicant_count Integer The number of applicants. e.g. 2
Inventors inventor.address String The address of the inventor. e.g. TORONTO, ONTARIA, CA
Inventors String The patent inventor(s) name. e.g. Engebretson Steven P
Inventors String The patent inventor(s) name. N.B. Use this field for exact name matches. e.g. ENGEBRETSON STEVEN P
Inventors inventor.residence String The country of residence of the inventor (ISO 2-digit country code). e.g. DE
Inventors inventor.orcid String The inventor’s ORCID identifier e.g. 0000-0001-5352-4498
Inventors inventor_count Integer The number of inventors. e.g. 3
Owners owner_all.address String The owner address as recorded on the patent or legal event. e.g. TORONTO, ONTARIA, CA
Owners String The owner’s country code (ISO 2-digit country code). e.g. US
Owners owner_all.execution_date Date The date of execution of ownership / assignment. e.g. 2009-05-22
Owners String The patent owner(s) name. e.g. CPS Technology Holdings LLC
Owners String The patent owner(s) name. N.B. Use this field for exact name matches. e.g. CPS Technology Holdings LLC
Owners owner_all.recorded_date Date The ownership / assignment event record date. e.g. 2009-05-22
Owners owner_all_count Integer The count of all owners of the patent. N.B. Includes current and former owners. e.g. 5
Examiners String The patent examiner name. e.g. Jack W Keith
Examiners String The patent examiner name. N.B. Use this field for exact name matches.
Examiners examiner.department String The patent examiner department. e.g. 3646
Examiners String The primary patent examiner name. e.g. Jack W Keith
Examiners String The primary patent examiner name. N.B. Use this field for exact name matches.
Examiners primary_examiner.department String The primary patent examiner department. e.g. 3646
Examiners String The assistant patent examiner name. e.g. Lily C Garner
Examiners String The assistant patent examiner name. N.B. Use this field for exact name matches.
Citations cited_by.patent.document_id.jurisdiction String The jurisdiction of the citing patent. e.g. EP
Citations cited_by.patent.document_id.doc_number String The document number of the citing patent. e.g. EP2020/063503
Citations cited_by.patent.document_id.kind String The kind code of the citing patent. e.g. B2
Citations cited_by.patent.lens_id String The Lens Id of the citing patent. e.g. 008-840-176-449-446
Citations cited_by.patent_count Integer The count of citing patents (Cited by patent count). e.g. 10
Citations reference_cited.npl.external_id String The resolved external identifier(s) for cited non-patent literature (DOI, PubMed ID, PubMed Central ID or Microsoft Aacademic ID). e.g. 10.1038/nature03090, 12345678919
Citations reference_cited.npl.lens_id String The Lens Id of the resolved non-patent literature citations (i.e. scholarly work Lens Id). e.g. 168-663-423-050-326
Citations reference_cited.npl.text String The original unresolved non-patent literature citation text. e.g. Cormen et al., 'Introduction to Algorithms (MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Series,' MIT Press, ISBN 0262031418, pp. 665-667, 695-697.
Citations reference_cited.npl.cited_phase String The application phase that a non-patent literature citation was added to a patent document. Citation phase values include SEA, ISR, SUP, PRS, APP, EXA, OPP, APL, FOP and TPO. e.g. EXA
Citations reference_cited.npl.category String Cited non-patent literature are identified by letter(s) indicating the category of the cited document. Citation category letters include X, I, Y, A, O, P, T, E, D, L and R. e.g. X
Citations reference_cited.npl_count Integer The number of original non-patent literature citations. e.g. 2
Citations reference_cited.npl_resolved_count Integer The number of resolved scholalry works cited by a patent. e.g. 12
Citations reference_cited.patent.lens_id String The Lens Id of the cited patent. e.g. 106-213-498-661-220
Citations reference_cited.patent.category String Cited patent documents are identified by letter(s) indicating the category of the cited document. e.g. X
Citations reference_cited.patent.cited_phase String The application phase that a cited patent was added to a patent document. e.g. SEA
Citations reference_cited.patent.document_id.jurisdiction String The jurisdiction of the cited patent. e.g. US
Citations Date The publication date of the cited patent. e.g. 2009-05-22
Citations reference_cited.patent.document_id.doc_number String The document number of the cited patent. e.g. 4590964
Citations reference_cited.patent.document_id.kind String The kind code of the cited patent. e.g. A
Citations reference_cited.patent_count Integer Number of patents documents cited by a given patent. e.g. 21
Legal Events legal_status.application_expiry_date Date The expiry date of the patent application because of withdrawal or abandonment. e.g. 2009-05-22
Legal Events legal_status.anticipated_term_date Date The anticipated termination date for granted patents. The anticipated termination date is calculated based on the natural term date plus any extensions. e.g. 2009-05-22
Legal Events legal_status.discontinuation_date Date The discontinuation date of the patent due to “unnatural death” (i.e. lapse, withdrawn, abandoned). N.B. The patent can be revived within a certain time frame. e.g. 2009-05-22
Legal Events legal_status.grant_date Date The date the patent application was granted (i.e. the application first grant date). e.g. 2009-05-22
Legal Events legal_status.granted Boolean Indicates if the patent application has been granted in one or more jurisdictions. e.g. TRUE
Legal Events legal_status.has_disclaimer Boolean Indicates if this US patent subjected to a terminal disclaimer. e.g. TRUE
Legal Events legal_status.has_grant_event Boolean Indicates if the patent application/simple family has one or more Grant events in INPADOC. e.g. TRUE
Legal Events legal_status.has_entry_into_national_phase Boolean Indicates if the patent application/simple family has entered the National Phase in INPADOC. e.g. TRUE
Legal Events legal_status.patent_status String The calculated legal status of the patent application. e.g. expired, inactive, active, patented, discontinued, withdrawn or rejected, pending, unknown
Legal Events legal_status.has_spc Boolean Indicates if the patent has a supplementary protection certificate. e.g. TRUE
Legal Events legal_status.term_extension_days Integer Indicates number of days the patent has US Term Extended
Agents & Attorneys agent.address String The agent/attorney address as recorded on the patent. e.g. 20 Red Lion Street, GB-London WC1R 4PJ(GB)
Agents & Attorneys String The country of the agent/attorney (ISO 2-digit country code). e.g. GB
Agents & Attorneys String The agent/attorney name. e.g. Chapman, Paul William et al.
Agents & Attorneys String The patent agent/attorney name. N.B. Use this field for exact name matches. e.g. Paul Chapman
Agents & Attorneys agent_count Integer The number of agents/attorneys listed on the patent. e.g. 1
Classifications class_cpc.symbol String CPC patent classification codes. e.g. H01R11/01
Classifications class_cpc.first_symbol String First CPC classifiction code. e.g. A61K9/0051
Classifications class_cpc.later_symbol String Later CPC classifiction codes. e.g. A61L31/143
Classifications class_cpc.inv_symbol String CPC classification codes identified as invention information. e.g. A61K9/0051
Classifications class_cpc.add_symbol String CPC classification codes identified as additional information. e.g. A61F9/00781
Classifications class_ipcr.symbol String IPCR patent classification codes. e.g. H01R13/115
Classifications class_ipcr.first_symbol String First IPCR classifiction code. e.g. G06F17/30
Classifications class_ipcr.later_symbol String Later IPCR classifiction codes. e.g. A61P35/00
Classifications class_ipcr.inv_symbol String IPCR classification codes identified as invention information. e.g. A61K38/00
Classifications class_ipcr.add_symbol String IPCR classification codes identified as additional information. e.g. F21Y115/10
Classifications class_national.symbol String US patent classification codes. e.g. 439/535
Sequences sequence.count Integer The number of biological sequences associated with a patent. e.g. 5
Sequences sequence.data_source String The data source of the disclosed sequence. DDBJPAT: DDBJ patent division, EMBLPAT_EBI: EMBL-EBI patent division, USPTO_FULLTEXT_RB: USPTO full-text, EP_SEQL: EPO, GBPAT_NCBI: GenBank patent division, WIPO_SEQL: WIPO, GBPAT_EBI, CIPO_BSL: CIPO, GBPAT_DDBJ, USPTO_FULLTEXT_GB, USPTO_PSIPS, DE_MEGA, EP_MEGA
Sequences sequence.document_location String The patent document section of the disclosed sequence(s): DDESC: detailed description, CLAIM: claims, BSUMM: summary, BDRAW: drawings, WDESC: full-text
Sequences sequence.length_bucket String Preset sequence length range (nucleotide: 0-100, 101-5000, 5001-100k, >100k; amino acids: 0-50, 51-300, >300). e.g. NT_101-5000 or AA_301
Sequences sequence.organism.tax_id String The NCBI taxonomic identifier of the organism which the biological sequence is from. e.g. 9616
Sequences sequence.type String The type of sequence e.g. N - nucleotide (including DNA and RNA sub-types), P - peptides/proteins
Sequences String Organism name e.g. Homo sapiens
Sequences String Use this field for exact name matches e.g. Homo sapiens
Citations reference_cited.npl_resolved_count Integer The number of resolved scholalry works cited by a patent. e.g. 12


You can use the following pre-defined filters to refine your search results:

Field Description Possible Value
cited_by_patent Indicates if a patent is cited by other patents. true/false
cites_npl Indicates if a patent has cited any non-patent literature in the references. true/false
cites_patent Indicates if a patent cites other patents. true/false
cites_resolved_npl Indicates if a patent document cites non-patent literature that have been resolved to a matching Lens Scholarly Work. true/false
has_abstract Indicates if the abstract is available for the patent document. true/false
has_agent Indicates if the patent record has agent/attorney information. true/false
has_applicant Indicates if the patent record has applicant information. true/false
has_claim Indicates if the claims are available for the patent document. true/false
has_description Indicates if the description is available for the patent document. true/false
has_full_text Indicates if the full text from the PTO is available for the patent document. true/false
has_owner Indicates if the patent record has owner information. true/false
has_examiner Indicates if the patent record has examiner information. true/false
has_inventor Indicates if the patent record has inevntor information. true/false
has_sequence Indicates if the patent record has sequence information. true/false
has_title Indicates if the title is available for the patent document. true/false
has_docdb Indicates if the DOCDB information is available for the patent document. true/false
has_inpadoc Indicates if the patent document has associated legal events in INPADOC. true/false


  "query": {
     	  "has_full_text": true


Lens API provides two type of pagination based on their use:

Offset/Size Based Pagination

Use parameter from to define the offset and size to specify number of records expected. This is useful when you want to skip some records and select desired ones. Example below skips first 100 and select 50 records after that.

  "query": "nanotechnology",
  "from": 100,

Similarly for GET requests, the following parameters are applicable: size=50&from=100


  • Offset/size based paginations is suitable for small result sets only and does not work on result sets of more that 10,000 records. For larger volume data downloads, use Cursor Based Pagination.
Cursor Based Pagination

You can specify records per page using size (default 20 and max 100-500, refer to your API plan for your max records per request) and context alive time scroll (default 1 minute). You will receive a scroll_id in response, which should be passed via request body to access next set of results. Since the scroll_id tends to change every time after each successful requests, please use the most recent scroll_id to access next page. This is not suited for real time user requests.

  "scroll_id": "MjAxOTEw;DnF1ZXJ...R2NZdw==",
  "scroll": "1m"


  • The lifespan of scroll_id is limited to 1 minute for the current API version. Using expired scroll_id will result bad request HTTP response.
  • Parameter size will be used for first scroll query and will remain the same for whole scroll context. Hence, using size in each scroll request will not have any effect.
  • Cursor based pagination is only applicable to POST requests.
  • For optimal performance, we recommend limiting the number of items (e.g. lens_ids) in a single terms query to 10,000.
  • If no further results found, the response will be 204 and scroll context gets invalidated. The subsequent response will be 400, if same scroll_id is used again.


Result can be retrieved in ascending or descending order. Use the following format and fields to apply sorting to the API response. Results can also be sorted by relevance score using relevance.

  "sort": [
      {"year_published": "asc"},
      {"relevance": "desc"}

For GET requests, the following structure is applicable: sort=desc(reference_cited.patent_count),asc(date_published),desc(relevance)


You can control the output fields in the API Response using projection. There are two possible ways to do that.

  1. include: Only request specific fields from the API endpoint
  2. exclude: Fields to be excluded from result
 {"include":["lens_id", "title","description","claim"]}

For GET requests following structure is applicable. include=lens_id,title,description,claim

Note: Both include and exclude can be used in same request.


Stemming allows to reduce the words to root form. E.g. Constructed and constructing will be stemmed to root construct. Since sometime the default stemming might not give you exact result, disabling it will just search for provided form of the word. e.g. "stemming": false


Available search language codes include:

  • AR = Arabic
  • DE = Dutch
  • EN = English
  • ES = Spanish
  • FR = French
  • JA = Japanese
  • KO = Korean
  • PT = Portugese
  • RU = Russian
  • ZH = Chinese


Regex allows the use of regular expressions in Query String based query, e.g. "regex": true

    "query": "field_of_study:/.*[Ee]conom.*/",
    "regex": true

Group by Family

Group by patent family queries supports group by SIMPLE_FAMILY and EXTENDED_FAMILY, e.g. "group_by": "SIMPLE_FAMILY". This returns the top sorted patent document record for each family (sorted by relevance by default).


  • Group by family does not work with scroll requests.

Minimum Score

The minimum score represents the relevance score based on the query matching score used in Elasticsearch. This can be used to limit the response to the most relevant results and can be used in 2-steps:

  1. Perform an initial API request to get the max_score. N.B. the size of the request needs to be greater than 0 to return the max_score.
  2. You can then filter by the min_score in subsequent requests.

For example, if the max_score is 14.9 and there are 236K results in total from the initial request, you can pass the min_score as 14 (i.e. less than max_score) in the subsequent request to limit the response to the most relevant results only.


  • The max_score will be returned as 0 if size is 0 or if a sort is applied.
  • Passing the min_score as x% of max_score may not result in top x% results.
  • The score is calculated for each query by Elasticsearch, and so the max_score value will be different for each query.
  • The max_score will be returned as 0 if sorting by any fields other than relevance, i.e. {"relevance": "desc"}.

Supported Query Types

Following queries are supported by current version of Lens API:

Note: The Lens API query requests use a modified form of the Elasticsearch Query DSL. For more details on the Elasticsearch query syntax, we recommend reading this guide on the query syntax: Elasticsearch Query DSL

Term Query

Term Query operates in a single term and search for exact term in the field provided.

Example: Find record by publication type

    "query": {
        "term": {
            "publication_type": "GRANTED_PATENT"
Terms Query

Terms Query allows you to search multiple exact terms for a provided field. A useful scenario is while searching multiple identifiers.

Example: Search for multiple document numbers

	"query": {
		"terms": {
			"doc_number": ["20130227762", "1117265"]


  • Avoid using the Term and Terms queries for text fields. To search text field values, we recommend using the Match and Match Phrase queries instead.
Match query

Match query accepts text/numbers/dates. The main use case of the match query is full-text search. It matches each words separately. If you need to search whole phrase use match phrase query.

Example: Get patents filed by IBM

  "query": {
      		"": "IBM"
Match Phrase query

Match phrase query accepts text/numbers/dates. The main use case for the match query is for full-text search.

Example: Get patents filed by IBM

  "query": {
      		"": "IBM"

Note: Both Match and Match Phrase are used for text searching but the difference is how they do it. For example, searching for "Cleveland, OH" differs between Match and Match Phrase like this:

  • Match: standard search in which each word is matched separately (for example: Cleveland OR OH)
  • Match Phrase: matches the exact phrase provided. In this case it will match the exact text Cleveland, OH
Range query

Range query query to match records within the provided range.

Example: Get patents published between years 1980 and 2000

  "query": {
      	"range": {
            "year_published": {
                "gte": "1980",
                "lte": "2000"

Example: Filter documents which has Patent Term Extension

  "query": {
      	"range": {
            "legal_status.term_extension_days": {
                "gt": 0
Boolean query

Bool Query allows to combine multiple queries to create complex query providing precise result. It can be created using one or more of these clauses: must, should, must_not and filter. You can use must for AND operation and should for OR.

Example: Search for granted patents from inventors named “Engebretson” that have been cited by other patents.

    "query": {
        "bool": {
            "must": [
                    "match": {
                        "cited_by_patent": "true"
                    "match": {
                        "publication_type": "GRANTED_PATENT"
                    "match": {
                        "": "Engebretson"
Query String Based Query

Query different terms with explicit operators AND/OR/NOT to create a compact query string.

Example: Find patents with javascript in the title that have been filed by IBM and published between 2000 and 2018.

{"query": "(title:javascript AND AND year_published:[2000 TO 2018]"}

If you need to use any reserved special characters, you should escape them with leading backslash.

Example: Searching by CPC code using string based query

{"query": "class_cpc.symbol:Y02E10\\/70"}

You can use json based format for string based query and mixed with complex boolean queries like this:

    "query": {
        "bool": {
            "must": [
                    "query_string": {
                        "query": "crispr-cas9",
                        "fields": [
                        "default_operator": "or"
            "filter": [
                    "term": {
                        "has_owner": true